
Nessus start kali
Nessus start kali

" $NESSUS_NESSUSCLI_PATH " fetch -register " $NESSUS_ACTIVATION_CODE " Ln -s " $TIMEZONE_ZONEINFO_FILE " " $TIMEZONE_FILE "Įcho_dark_yellow "Installing Kali repository necessary packages: $INSTALL_KALI_PACKAGES "Įcho_dark_yellow "Installing Kali repository extra packages: $INSTALL_EXTRA_PACKAGES "Įcho_dark_yellow "This will take a while.\n "Īpt install -y $INSTALL_KALI_PACKAGES $INSTALL_EXTRA_PACKAGESĮcho_dark_yellow "Downloading Nessus DEB package \" $NESSUS_DEB_NAME \" from the URL \" $NESSUS_URL \".\n "Ĭurl " $NESSUS_URL " -o " $NESSUS_DEB_NAME "Įcho_dark_yellow "Installing Nessus DEB package \" $NESSUS_DEB_NAME \".\n "Įcho_dark_yellow "Adding user \" $NESSUS_USERNAME \" to Nessus.\n "Įcho -ne " $NESSUS_PASSWORD\n $NESSUS_PASSWORD\ny\n\ny\n " | " $NESSUS_NESSUSCLI_PATH " adduser " $NESSUS_USERNAME "Įcho_dark_yellow "Registering and updating Nessus online.\n " TIMEZONE_ZONEINFO_FILE= "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Madrid "Įxport DEBIAN_FRONTEND= "noninteractive "Įcho -e " $COLOR_DARK_YELLOW $1 $COLOR_RESET "Įcho_dark_yellow "Linking \" $TIMEZONE_FILE \" to \" $TIMEZONE_ZONEINFO_FILE \".\n " NESSUS_NESSUSCLI_PATH= "/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli " INSTALL_KALI_PACKAGES= "kali-linux-core kali-linux-headless kali-tools-fuzzing kali-tools-top10 kali-tools-vulnerability kali-tools-web kali-tools-exploitation kali-tools-sniffing-spoofing " INSTALL_EXTRA_PACKAGES= "bash-completion testssl.sh gobuster curl nano httpx-toolkit "

nessus start kali

# Other config variables with suitable default values NESSUS_ACTIVATION_CODE= "AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD "

nessus start kali

# These variables probably need to be changed

Nessus start kali